Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Day Eighty-Two: Another Zone Success Story

Here is CFO CrossFitter and my SO, EV deadlifting 197# at a bodyweight of 115#. She is getting good results by incorporating zone concepts into her training.

8AM 3/8 cup oatmeal, 2 eggs, 3 turkey sausages = 4 blocks +.5x fat

Noon Builder Buzz Bar = 3 blocks

4PM 6 oz ground turkey, 4/5 cup mashed yam, 1 cup brussel sprouts, 1/4 avocado = 5 blocks +.5x fat

9PM 4 oz chicken, 2/5 cup mashed yam, 1 cup veggies, teaspoon olive oil, sprinkle nuts = 4 blocks +.5x fat

Total Blocks = 16 blocks +.5x fat, feel fine, no workout today

I did get 221x2 solidly on the new bench at CFO, and one ugly kipping ring muscle-up.

Bike 3 miles, flat, sprint pace, fixed gear



Ev, You look simply beautiful in that pic and when you add in the deadlift numbers - STUNNING!

MBL100 said...

Ev did LINDA yesterday with Rx DL weight: 173#, 31 minutes and change! Clean is close to RX and BP will come right up with a little practice, very impressive!