Today is my first day post-sick of feeling normal. I lost some bodyfat from being sick, my scale reads a tiny bit shy of my lowest bodyfat reading since I started this process, and my waist measurements are as low as they have been as well. However I'm still at 168, my body just does not seem to want to go below this and it is frustrating. In any case I don't really feel like trying to be disciplined right now, I just want to get back to normal health, so for the next week, I am going to just try to do the WODs as RX, not trying to achieve any mind-blowing times here. I'll try to stick to 18 blocks +.5x fat, but I'm not going to really restrict myself. If I feel like I need more, or less, or more carbs, I'm not going to argue with my body, I just want to feel 100% by the end of the week. That's my current goal.
I probably will do Lau's evil sandbag workout on Monday: 21-15-9 100# Sandbag C&J/Box Jump 24". On the other hand I might just take off to parts unknown on my new ride, pictured above.
Block Target = 18 +.5x Fat
Block Total = 12
7AM Breakfast Sandwich with Salmon = 4 blocks
11AM Builder Bar = 3 blocks
2PM Trader Joe's Flatbread Pizza, 1 oz lamb = 5 blocks
400 Meter Walking Lunge
We are all one good stomach flu away from our goal weight!
Yuck - sorry you have been sick. Hope you feeling much better!
Sorry to hear you were sick. I think I may have had something similar - Saturday night my body tried to turn inside out!
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