New Posterior Chain Mass
I'm well on track with my fitness goals, but my body composition is sticking stubbornly in the 16-18% range.
However, and this is quite interesting, I have put on 7 pounds or so of lean mass in the last 3 months. I am at about 150 pounds of lean mass right now, almost the highest I have ever been at, and it shows: the 185x2 push-jerk the other day was a surprise.
Quarter One (ends Oct. 6th):
* Bodyfat 11% (17%)
* Weight 169# (183)
* Lean = 146# (completed: 150#)
* CFT 800 (completed)
* Mile 6:30 (completed)
* Fran 5:00
* C&J 165 (completed + Push-Jerk 185x2)
The dreaded Fran is today. 5:00 seems unlikely, but I will try and equal my best of 5:45:
00:00 11 thruster
00:30 5 deep breaths
00:45 10 Thruster
01:15 5 deep breaths
01:30 11 pull-Ups
01:50 5 deep breaths
02:05 10 pull-ups
02:20 5 deep breaths
02:35 8 Thruster
03:05 5 deep breaths
03:20 7 thruster
03:50 5 deep breaths
04:05 15 pull-ups
04:35 5 deep breaths
04:50 9 thruster
05:20 5 deep breaths
05:35 9 Pull-ups
Fran RX 7:30
- a variety of factors could have caused this dismal performance:
a: alcohol
b: hypocaloric state/17 hour fast
c: smoked cigar on Saturday
I'm tempted to keep it real clean and try this again in one week, in a fasted state. God I hate Fran.
Did some climbing with Andrea at Diablo Rock Gym:
5.9x2, no break
5.10ax2 no break
5.10ax2 no break
5.10bx2 (needed 3 minute break, overhanging)
Good luck on Fran. Back's looking strong. It's got to be at least partially due to climbing!
RE: the "poor" performance on Fran (still beats the hell out of anything I could do), my money is on the cigar (?!) and alcohol. In the immortal words of Coach: "you can't shit in the tank and expect good mileage." Or something like that.
Yeah, you don't really inhale, but still it is a filthy habit. I do it only very rarely these days. Last time was maybe Feb?
I'm leaning towards cutting out booze completely, even one drink seems to negatively impact me, which sucks
Hilarious and true. I love the shit in the tank reference, regardless of whether or not you go the quote right.
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