Monday, October 13, 2008

Rehab Row Continued (Yawn)

100,000 Meter Rehab Row:

Day 01 5000 Meters in 24:00
Day 02 5000 Meters in 23:00
Day 03 5000 Meters in 20:20
Day 04 5000 Meters in 20:04
Day 05 3750 meters in 16:00 (Sprint 8)
Day 05 3550 meters in 16:00 (Sprint 8)

Running Total: 27,300 Meters


Daniel said...

Ohhh, Sprint 8 is NINETY seconds of rest? I've been doing it wrong, then...though really, a minute of rest seems sufficient on the rower.

MBL100 said...

If a minute seems like enough, you may not be sprinting hard enough.