Sunday, September 27, 2009

CrossFit East Bay Power/Weight Challenge Part Two

CrossFit East Bay Power/Weight Challenge Part Two

You may self-report your stats on the challenge page in comments. You will have to use a different method of ascertaining lean mass and bodyfat if you are self-reporting. Use the calculator here: - This calculator is NOT accurate for athletes, but it will measure the difference just fine.

You will have to use the same method at the conclusion of the challenge.

Please report:

1. Bodyweight
2. % Bodyfat
3. % Fat Mass
4. % Lean Mass
5. Max Rep Deadlift @ 1.5X BW
6. Max number of C2B Pull-Ups
7. Max number of Static HSPU
8. Max number of muscle-ups
9. Max number of static muscle-ups

See standards, below.

is the format for the Power/Weight Challenge: This is specifically NOT
a weight loss challenge, those might be fine for TV, but focusing only
on weight lost is simplistic and not for athletes, some of who need to
gain, not lose, weight.

Losing "weight" is really, really easy.
Losing fat mass, without losing significant lean mass (muscle, bone) is
difficult. Losing fat mass while gaining muscle mass is quite difficult
indeed but by no means impossible. Gaining muscle for some is just as
hard as losing fat is for others.

So: each participant will pony up $50.00 for each 5 week challenge, winner take all.
Here is part two of the body comp challenge. Please note the changes.

will be taken at the beginning and end of each challenge, including
lean body mass/body fat using a decent bioelectrical impedence scale.
Come fully hydrated for each test to minimize the error of the scale
(it actually measures total body water and extrapolates LBM from that).
Picture optional.

Challenge "A" will run from Sunday, July 27th to Sunday August 30th
Challenge "B" will run from Sunday September 27th to Sunday November 1st.

Each participant will choose a goal:

"Beanpole" - gain weight
"Chubs" - lose weight

Points are assigned thusly:

Beanpole - 1 point per pound of mass gained.
Chubs - 1 point per pound of fat lost

1.5X BW Deadlift
One point for each additional point above baseline, including zero.

C2B Pull-Ups:
One point for each additional point above baseline, including zero.

Static HSPU
One point for each additional point above baseline, including zero (first HSPU may be kipped all subsequent reps must be static).

Two points for each additional point above baseline, including zero (first muscle-up can be from bent arm, all subsequent reps must be from full lockout).

Static Muscle-Ups
Three points for each additional point above baseline, including zero.


Tracker: weigh and measure and count calories/macro-nutrient ratios of all food consumed (estimate at restaurants). Provide proof in the form of a journal or printed Fitday or similar software pages : 1 point
Blogger Bonus: share your intake and WODs with the world: 2 points (3 total including above)
Zoner Lite: Eat in "The Zone" 5.5 days per week - 1 point
Hardcore Zoner: Eat in "The Zone" all but one meal per week - 2 points
Fanatic Zoner: Eat ALL meals and snacks in "The Zone" - 3 points
Sweetie: No sugar, no sweeteners of any kind, same rules as No-Sugar Challenge - 1 point
Paleo Lite: No grains or sweetners of any kind - 2 points
Pure Paleo: No Dairy, no grains, no sweeteners, no legumes, no tubers, no coffee, no alcohol - 3 points
Performer: lose all fat and no muscle or gain muscle without gaining fat - 2 points.

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