I got in another 5K of rowing for 55K total.
I did sprint 8 on my fixie today on the way to teaching my CF classes. Interesting in traffic.
Finished week one of IF/Zone/Paleo, I lost a few pounds (178.5) and took off an inch from my waist (37, still quite fat).
It's times like this that I have to keep perspective and remind myself that when I started this journey I had a 43 inch waist and weighted 215. Not to mention my general physical incompetence. It is tough, because I was at 33.5 waist and 163.5 about a year ago. I guess I should feel good that, approaching 42 years old, I'm still improving in many areas.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Rehab Row Again, Yawnx2
100,000 Meter Rehab Row:
Day 01 5000 Meters in 24:00
Day 02 5000 Meters in 23:00
Day 03 5000 Meters in 20:20
Day 04 5000 Meters in 20:04
Day 05 3750 meters in 16:00 (Sprint 8)
Day 05 3550 meters in 16:00 (Sprint 8)
Day 06 3900 meters in 16:00 (Sprint 8)
Day 07 3600 meters in 16:00 (Sprint 8)
Day 08 3600 meters in 16:00 (Sprint 8)
Day 09 3800 meters in 16:00 (Sprint 8)
Day 10 3600 meters in 16:00 (Sprint 8)
Day 11 4200 meters in about 18:00 - Sprint 8 plus a little extra
Running Total: 50,000 Meters - halfway!
My elbow feels far better, this is absoultely a great rest protocol, this is the second time I have used it to good effect.
I started the C2B challenge today, we shall see how long I can stick with that with no ill effects on my elbow.
I'm also adding Overhead Squats, since they don't seem to aggravate my elbow. Did my first sets on Saturday:
This Saturday I will do:
3X5 @ 145
Day 01 5000 Meters in 24:00
Day 02 5000 Meters in 23:00
Day 03 5000 Meters in 20:20
Day 04 5000 Meters in 20:04
Day 05 3750 meters in 16:00 (Sprint 8)
Day 05 3550 meters in 16:00 (Sprint 8)
Day 06 3900 meters in 16:00 (Sprint 8)
Day 07 3600 meters in 16:00 (Sprint 8)
Day 08 3600 meters in 16:00 (Sprint 8)
Day 09 3800 meters in 16:00 (Sprint 8)
Day 10 3600 meters in 16:00 (Sprint 8)
Day 11 4200 meters in about 18:00 - Sprint 8 plus a little extra
Running Total: 50,000 Meters - halfway!
My elbow feels far better, this is absoultely a great rest protocol, this is the second time I have used it to good effect.
I started the C2B challenge today, we shall see how long I can stick with that with no ill effects on my elbow.
I'm also adding Overhead Squats, since they don't seem to aggravate my elbow. Did my first sets on Saturday:
This Saturday I will do:
3X5 @ 145
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
50 Consecutive Chest To Bar Pull-Up Challenge

50 Consecutive Chest To Bar Pull-Up Challenge
The 100 day burpee challenge has drawn to a close. Congratulations to CFEB athletes Chuck Sana and Erica Martinez for completing it.
CrossFit East Bay offers the following challenge, with the goal of being able to perform 50 consecutive C2B (chest to bar) pull-ups, or as many consecutive C2B pull-Ups as possible (meaning more or less).
Track your progress here: "CFEB 50 Consecutive Chest-To-Bar Pull-Up Challenge Log"
This challenge will take 100 days.
On day one, Wednesday, October 22, athletes will perform ONE chest-to-bar pull-up.
Every other day the athletes will perform one additional consecutive chest to bar pull-up:
Day One: One C2B Pull-Up
Day Three: Two C2B Pull-Up
Day Five: Three C2B Pull-Up
Day One Hundred: Fifty C2B Pull-Up
C2B Pull-Ups can be performed as part of the WOD, assuming there are enough consecutive pull-ups in said WOD. For instance, 37 consecutive pull-ups can be performed in Murph, or Angie, but not Cindy or Helen.
If the athlete fails to hit the target number (for example 15 pull-ups on day 30) they will try again (for the preceding example, 15 pull-ups on day 32). If they fail again (for the preceding example 15 pull-ups on day 34) they will drop back 2 pull-ups ( for the preceding example, 13 on day 36, 14 on day 38, 15 on day 40).
If, as above, the athlete falls behind, and at some point feels they can make up some, or all, of the pull-ups, they may attempt it. For the above example, on day 42, 21 pull-ups are called for, but the athlete's target is 16, if they can manage 18 they then attempt 19 or more on day 44.
The point of this challenge is not to accumulate as many reps as possible, but to perform as many consecutive C2B pull-ups as possible, any and all modifications which will lead to doing more consecutive C2B pull-ups are allowed and encouraged, including:
* Starting at a higher number of pull-ups on day one (such as 80% of max rep C2B pull-ups)
* Using a different pyramid scheme
* Anything that will lead to more consecutive C2B pull-ups
You may buy-in at any time, by performing either the RX reps for the day, or your personal best.
Winners in the following categories will receive a CrossFit East Bay "It Hasn't Killed Me Yet" T-Shirt with "C2B Challenge Winner" emblazoned thereon.
Most Men's Consecutive C2B Pull-Ups
Most Women's Consecutive C2B Pull-Ups
Most Boy's (under 16 at start of challenge) Consecutive C2B Pull-Ups
Most Girl's (under 16 at start of challenge) Consecutive C2B Pull-Ups
Most Men's Masters (over 40 at start of challenge) Consecutive C2B Pull-Ups
Most Women's Masters (over 40 at start of challenge) Consecutive C2B Pull-Ups
To be eligible to win, you must be a member of an affiliate, and post a video on YouTube of your effort, filmed at an affiliate, within 24 hours, PDT of the conclusion of the challenge at midnight on day 100. You must post the link to CrossFit Message Board Thread "CFEB 50 Consecutive Chest-To-Bar Pull-Up Challenge Log".
Standard: the standard is the same as the 2008 CrossFit Games standard:
Each rep of the pull-up will count only when full range of motion is achieved. The bottom limit is your arms fully extended. The top limit will be when any part of your chest (from the clavicle down) physically touches the bar. Again, the rep will be considered complete only when your chest contacts the bar. See Photo, above.
Note to CrossFit East Bay Athletes: at the conclusion of this challenge, only C2B pull-ups will count as RX in our WODs.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
I have started my push to get my weight and bodyfat in line with my goals for the year:
For the next five weeks I am doing the following:
Intermittent fasting 5-7 days per week, 16-20 hour fasts.
Zone/Paleo - strict, no dairy, no nothing.
13 matched protein/carb block, 3-5x fat.
Creating a caloric deficit of 10,500 calories per week.
Fasted cardio daily, with an emphasis on intervals, such as Sprint 8.
One cheat day per week, where anything goes. Beer, doughnuts, you name it.
Continuing 100K rehab row (when done, will re-evaluate).
Lots of low-level calorie burning, i.e. biking to work, etc.
100,000 Meter Rehab Row:
Day 01 5000 Meters in 24:00
Day 02 5000 Meters in 23:00
Day 03 5000 Meters in 20:20
Day 04 5000 Meters in 20:04
Day 05 3750 meters in 16:00 (Sprint 8)
Day 05 3550 meters in 16:00 (Sprint 8)
Day 06 3900 meters in 16:00 (Sprint 8)
Day 07 3600 meters in 16:00 (Sprint 8)
Day 08 3600 meters in 16:00 (Sprint 8)
Running Total: 38,400 Meters
For the next five weeks I am doing the following:
Intermittent fasting 5-7 days per week, 16-20 hour fasts.
Zone/Paleo - strict, no dairy, no nothing.
13 matched protein/carb block, 3-5x fat.
Creating a caloric deficit of 10,500 calories per week.
Fasted cardio daily, with an emphasis on intervals, such as Sprint 8.
One cheat day per week, where anything goes. Beer, doughnuts, you name it.
Continuing 100K rehab row (when done, will re-evaluate).
Lots of low-level calorie burning, i.e. biking to work, etc.
100,000 Meter Rehab Row:
Day 01 5000 Meters in 24:00
Day 02 5000 Meters in 23:00
Day 03 5000 Meters in 20:20
Day 04 5000 Meters in 20:04
Day 05 3750 meters in 16:00 (Sprint 8)
Day 05 3550 meters in 16:00 (Sprint 8)
Day 06 3900 meters in 16:00 (Sprint 8)
Day 07 3600 meters in 16:00 (Sprint 8)
Day 08 3600 meters in 16:00 (Sprint 8)
Running Total: 38,400 Meters
Monday, October 13, 2008
Rehab Row Continued (Yawn)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Rehab Row
100,000 Meter Rehab Row:
Day 01 5000 Meters in 24:00
Day 02 5000 Meters in 23:00
Day 03 5000 Meters in 20:20
Day 04 5000 Meters in 20:04
Running Total: 20,000 Meters
Kinda pissed at this one, at first I was going to do it as a back-off at 22:00, but then realized, a bit too late, I felt great so decided I was going to go for sub-20 after all, but by then I had rowed 2 K in 8:05, and I just could not get the 5 seconds back.
Rehab-wise this is totally working. My elbow feels as good as it has since May. I am confident this will heal it, and I will be able to start climbing again (carefully).
BTW, the rower that I used has a worn spring, on a brand-new model E, this would be cake.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Q1 Results, Q2 Revised Plan
Today marks the end of my first quarter of getting ready for the CF games.
My performance increased markedly during this time. I did national schedule, every 4th week .5 volume, with one week off in week 12.
Quarter One:
CrossFit Toronto Fitness Test Output:

According to this, I really need some core work: I may go with a weekly 5x5 Overhead Squat/5x5 Clean workout, which would address this. To avoid overtraining, I think I will replace WODs in which I am already strong with this, but how to do so is a bit tricky: For example at this point, I'm, reasonably good in medium time-domain stuff, so I would probably get more out of this than FGB or 5K. Possibly I may stick to the national schedule, working in the things I need, and regulating the intensity.
I have managed to really tweak my elbow, so before anything else can be done I am doing another 100,000 Meter rehab row. No exercise except rowing until I have completed all of it. I planned to do 4x5Ks as follows: 24:00, 23:00, 22:00, 21:00, but I got carried away today and did it in 20:20. Next short effort will be sub-20 5K. I would also like to row a 7:00 2K and a 1:30 500 M.
100,000 Meter Rehab Row:
Day 01 5000 Meters in 24:00
Day 02 5000 Meters in 23:00
Day 03 5000 Meters in 20:20
Running Total: 15,000 Meters
Quarter Two:
This is probably going to take more careful programming than just straight CF.
I might just have to map this out exactly, but one thing is certain: I need to regulate my intensity and volume better: I got overtrained twice in this cycle and had an injury the entire quarter that did not heal.
Job One = Diet
Job Two = Planning
My performance increased markedly during this time. I did national schedule, every 4th week .5 volume, with one week off in week 12.
Quarter One:
- Bodyfat 11% (not met, 17%)
- Weight 169# (not met 180)
Lean = 146(150)CFT 800Mile 6:30- Fran 5:00 (not met 6:19)
C&J 165
CrossFit Toronto Fitness Test Output:

According to this, I really need some core work: I may go with a weekly 5x5 Overhead Squat/5x5 Clean workout, which would address this. To avoid overtraining, I think I will replace WODs in which I am already strong with this, but how to do so is a bit tricky: For example at this point, I'm, reasonably good in medium time-domain stuff, so I would probably get more out of this than FGB or 5K. Possibly I may stick to the national schedule, working in the things I need, and regulating the intensity.
I have managed to really tweak my elbow, so before anything else can be done I am doing another 100,000 Meter rehab row. No exercise except rowing until I have completed all of it. I planned to do 4x5Ks as follows: 24:00, 23:00, 22:00, 21:00, but I got carried away today and did it in 20:20. Next short effort will be sub-20 5K. I would also like to row a 7:00 2K and a 1:30 500 M.
100,000 Meter Rehab Row:
Day 01 5000 Meters in 24:00
Day 02 5000 Meters in 23:00
Day 03 5000 Meters in 20:20
Running Total: 15,000 Meters
Quarter Two:
- Bodyfat 10%
- Weight 170#
- Lean = 153
- CFT = 875
- Mile 6:00
- Fran 4:00
- C&J 190 (Jerk 185x2)
- Meet ALL L2 Standards, at least 1/2 L3s
This is probably going to take more careful programming than just straight CF.
I might just have to map this out exactly, but one thing is certain: I need to regulate my intensity and volume better: I got overtrained twice in this cycle and had an injury the entire quarter that did not heal.
Job One = Diet
Job Two = Planning
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